Page - Project Users Group (PUG)

Paving the Way to Quality Transportation Software

Board of Directors

2023-2024 Board of Directors

Amy Sullivan
Minnesota DOT
PUG Chair
Ken Sereduk
Idaho DOT
PUG Vice-Chair
Neal Cropper
Ohio DOT
PUG Secretary 
James Kocaba
Connecticut DOT
PUG Treasurer
Christine LangleyAlaska DOT&PFPast PUG Chair

PUG Objectives

  • To provide a forum for a unified voice to direct the course of AASHTOWare Projects, hereinafter called the products, or any products which may supersede these products.
  • To provide cooperative technical support of the products.
  • Provide input to the Product Management Task Force on product effectiveness, product deficiencies, and needed product enhancements.
  • Define product training and support needs.
  • Prioritize maintenance, enhancements, and support needs.
  • Submit recommendations to the Product Management Task Force.