Page - AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor
Module Overview

The AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor module helps you more effectively administer civil rights and labor compliance activities. Agencies and contractors can save time and effort on jobs with certified payroll submission, which includes automatic error checking. The system makes it faster and easier for agencies to gather data for the semi-annual Uniform Report of DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments.

The AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor module addresses civil rights and labor compliance activities through the following functions:

  • Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action monitoring
  • Wage decisions and labor compliance monitoring
  • Create a Conformance Wage Classification at the contract project level for work not covered by the wage decision
  • Automated checking of submitted contractor payrolls and extensive exception reporting
  • Modifying exception messages and controlling how to handle exceptions
  • DBE certifications and DBE/MBE/WBE program monitoring
  • Prompt/Actuals payment submittals and monitoring
  • Good faith efforts (for example, bidder/quoter submittals)
  • Civil rights, labor, on-the-job training (OJT), apprentice, and DBE reporting
  • DBE and OJT contract and annual goal-setting
  • Secured access to and use of the application by external parties (for example, contractors, subcontractors, FHWA, cities, and counties)
  • The Infotech Field Interviewer mobile application interfaces with the AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights and Labor software so the field employee can capture field interview data on a mobile device, even when offline, and automatically sync the data with the AASHTOWare Project database

Key Reports & Payroll Tools

The AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor software includes data collection functions and report generation for the aforementioned activities that assist in data analysis for DBE and OJT goal-setting, labor analysis, disparity studies, and program performance monitoring. The software also provides several key standard reports and allows the agency to create their own custom reports. Examples of key standard reports include:

  • DBE Directory
  • Contract Employment Data
  • Uniform Report of DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments, including the required Microsoft Excel output
  • Federal 1392 Report, including the required Excel output
  • OJT Employment Information
  • End-of-Month Trucking 

In addition, tools are available to agencies, contractors, and payroll system vendors to convert payroll data into properly formatted XML files that can be imported into the AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor module.  For payroll software vendors, the AASHTOWare Project Payroll XML Resource Kit™ allows developers to create add-ons to payroll software to create XML output files in the format required for proper import into the AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor module.  For agencies and contractors that do not use an electronic payroll system, the AASHTOWare Project Payroll Spreadsheet and Conversion Utility™ allows users without access to the web-based AASHTOWare Project software to use a spreadsheet to enter payroll data that can then be converted into XML and imported into the AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor module.

Integral Part of the AASHTOWare Project Software

The AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor module is an integral part of the web-based product offerings for the AASHTOWare Project suite, which provides a comprehensive solution for managing agency procurement and construction programs.  Integration of the AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor module with the web-based AASHTOWare Project software takes advantage of the wealth of pertinent production agency data that supports the civil rights and labor compliance program areas (for example, proposals, vendors, contracts).  This reduces duplication in the entry and management of data, and it provides ready access to the data produced by the procurement and construction management functions.

The AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor software provides a flexible user interface and extensive configuration options:

  • Any user with proper access may attach files/URL links and add agency fields to any record in the system
  • System events and issue tracking enable an agency to automate complex processes and workflows that might require input or review from several different users 
  • Thorough online help is available throughout the application, including configurable tooltips.

View mobile application for AASHTOWare Project Civil Rights & Labor

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